Mozart’s letter is auctioned: what’s special inside?

Bythu lita

Dec 9, 2023
Next July, auction house Christie’s will hold an auction of a special letter from Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in London (UK).
The two-page letter was written by Mozart in the summer of 1782
The two-page letter was written by Mozart in the summer of 1782

The 2-page letter was written by Mozart in the summer of 1782 to ask for advice from a close friend after causing a misunderstanding with his future mother-in-law. During his lifetime, he wrote many letters. However, these letters are rarely sold at auction.

Mozart wrote the letter when he was 26 years old. Not long after that, he moved to Vienna (Austria). When the young man’s career began to flourish, his love affair with his fiancée, Constanze, became difficult due to the influence of those around him.

Mozart and Constanze married after writing the above letter and remained together until his death in 1791 at the age of 35. It is estimated that the letter will cost 300,000–500,000 pounds ($380,490-634,150).

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