This ten-year-old received an expected surprise during his The Voice Kids UK blind audition. Will I Am was taken from the start, joining in on the young rapper’s show with some funky flowing moves of his own. With the superstar breaking it down aside him, Lil T couldn’t help but shine with an amazing breakout performance of ‘Shutdown.’
Will’s enthusiastic chair turn left no chance for the other judges. Inquisitive and amazed, they turned anyway to see who the young singer delivering such an electrifying rap actually was. The youthful exuberance in Lil T’s voice suited the Skepta song perfectly, instilling it with uplifting energy unique to this emerging artist.
The Voice Kids UK blind auditions had a whole new level of talent to contend with after the high-energy small-statured Lil T stepped onto the stage. His rendition of ‘Shutdown’ sure shutdown the competition. With Will I Am firmly on his side, and superior style clearly taking no effort – Lil T was off to a great start.