Adorable Situation Toddler Starts Conducting Her Dad During Beethoven Performance

ByQuyen Anne

Oct 10, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: Hundreds of thousands have shown their appreciation of video shared by Guy Johnston of his daughter conducting him and a friend practising Beethoven.

Dad and daughter

Guy Johnston shared the adorable clip of the moment his daughter conducted his music practise (Image: Guy Johnston)

A two-year-old mini musical maestro has become an instant hit after her dad shared a video of her ‘conducting’ him and his friend playing classical music.

Celebrated musician Guy Johnston was filmed by his wife Ali practising with renowned pianist Melvyn Tan as their toddler played on the floor in the foreground.

But as her dad began playing a 1692 Stradivarius cello, his daughter suddenly leapt to her feet and started gesturing and moving to the Beethoven sonata being played.

As this video shows the little girl, whose name the parents don’t wish to share, dances in time from side to side and at the close of one part of the music even seems to sign it off with a flourish from her arms.

Guy comes from family of musicians and at the age of eight became a chorister at King’s College, Cambridge.

The toddler conducting the music

More than 300,000 have liked the clip since it was shared (Image: Guy Johnston )

He said he has been overwhelmed by the response since he shared the heart-warming clip of his music-loving child on Twitter.

He told “I’ve been really touched by the response to the video. My wife captured it on camera as our daughter was just playing on the floor, and then she came to life in that moment when we started playing.

“It’s so sweet in her gestures that she sort of rounds us off at one stage, she’s really loving it, she was definitely making gestures towards the music and dancing and just really enjoying being a part of it.

“Some of the comments online are hilarious with people talking about what a great conductor she is, it’s very sweet. She’s just two, her mum is an economist but plays the cello as an amateur so even in the womb she was listening to cello.

“I am playing a Stradivarius cello in the clip, which was made in 1692, and it’s incredible to think this instrument still brings joy to generations hundreds of years later, I often think it ‘knows’ the music when I’m playing.”

Guy and his daughter

Guy and his daughter at Hatfield House where he runs a music festival (Image: Guy Johnston)

Guy, 42, is performing the Beethoven Sonatas at the Paxton Music Festival and the Lake District Summer Music Festival this summer, and (was) himself was crowned BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2000, aged just 19.

He said: “I have a busy performing career and also teach in the States at Eastman School of Music where I was once a student.

“I take my daughter to the school with me and when she hears the orchestra, she starts conducting them there as well.

“Her grandmother, Suzi Digby, is a choral conductor, and my parents ran a music school in Harpenden, so music has surrounded my daughter everywhere she goes.”

Guy and his daughter

Guy’s daughter’s conducting skills have wowed fans online (Image: Guy Johnston )

Guy, who also runs a music festival at Hatfield House, said even aged two his daughter has shown interest in musical instruments, when she was introduced to a violin recently.

He said: “There’s a well-known Suzuki method, which values being nurtured by love, and recently at a music lesson for a relative, celebrated teacher, Helen Brunner, put a violin under our daughter’s chin and there was this instant beam on her face as she started to make a sound.

“Whatever she decides to do, I think I’d love her to have music in her life.”

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