Anyone who’s ever heard Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence” can attest to what a transcendent thing it is to experience. From the lushly picked and strummed guitar to the harmonized vocals of the opening line “Hello darkness, my old friend,” every aspect comes together as one brilliant haunted whole.
It’s no wonder so many have tried to cover it and tried to recreate the song’s indescribable feeling. For one musician, his use of instrument made a major difference in his ability to create a spellbinding performance.
The immensely talented musician Jamie Dupuis took his harp guitar outside for an all-instrumental version of “Sound of Silence.” With its 18-strings, this instrument has a whole lot of range. However, it needs to be in the hands of someone who’s proficient.
Jamie’s experience and devotion are clear. Even without a single word sung, you can instantly identify the song and find yourself transported by into a realm of amazement.
The outdoor environment adds to the tranquility of the whole experience.
Reinterpreting classic song is about honoring the original arrangement while also finding new ways to present it.
Jamie clearly has reverence for Simon and Garfunkel’s original version, but he’s also ambitious enough to find a way to make the song his own.
There are so many cover versions of songs that essentially seek to duplicate the originals. Jamie takes things further by making this version clearly his.
How did this performance of “Sound of Silence” affect you? Do you have any favorite covers of classic songs? Show this to anyone you know who loves this song or music in general.